Wednesday, 25 July 2012


ICT - Enhanced Teaching Category

The primary aim of promoting this category is to encourage eductors to infuse or integrate ICT in their day to day teaching.


The following pointers would assist you to become relevant as you introspect your own performance and to measure yourself against the requirements.

  • You must have the necessary skills that enable learners, educators and any other person to benefit from you with regard to ICT. [eg. Computer Literacy]
  • There must be an ICT policy in your school in support for ICT learning.  This could be in a compelling format.
  • There should be indicators of improved teaching methods [eg. Usage of presentations, projectors etc, Projects done using ICT gadgets.  These could be encouraging research and promoting awareness.]
  • Launch an ICT basic education programme eg. literacy classes
  • Come up with projects that promotes active participation and awareness among learners, educators, community and even stakeholders eg. a blog/website for your class or school.
  • All evidence/experience must be turned into a permanent experience and be shared. [Print, broadcast]
  • Help build confidence and security among the other teachers
  • Be able to use and display possibilities offered by different software models.
NB: You are not restricted to only these.

The above mentioned pointers will also allow you to clarigy the magnitude of the digital divide within your working environment.

Friday, 20 July 2012


Since 2009, Mogwase EDSC has had a number of events such as:

  • Graduation ceremony at JM Ntsime High School for the learners who completed the Microsoft Word 2007 Word Specialist Course (December 2009)
  • Graduation ceremony held at Manyane Resort for the issuing of Microsoft Certificates (August 2010)
  • Farewell Luncheon for Interns (August 2011)


Computer Literacy Programme: 10 Community classes of 15 members each have gone through computer training which is scheduled for a month each class. All learners have been awarded certificates of attendance.

E-mailing Support Workshop: All moses Kotane East Area office Administrative Assistants have attended this workshop.

Centre Management Committee Meeting: Mogwase EDSC Centre Management Committee meeting was held on the 12th June 2012 to strengthen the committee and the smooth running of the centre.


The EDSC has partnered with EDTP SETA and Bakgatla ba Kgafela to provide training to learners who require experential learning to obtain their qualifications.

  • The first group of interns consisted of 4 learners. 
    Duration: September 2009 - August 2010
    Course: Community Development
  • Second group of inters consisted of 4 learners.
    Duratioon: July 2010 - June 2011
    Course: Information Technology
  • The third group of interns consited of 2 learners
    Duration September 2011 - August 2012
    Course: Information Technology


  • Buildings are available
  • Computers
  • Wiling participants
  • partnership with other stakeholders
  • Manager's post 
  • No funding 
  • Un-networked computers
  • Shortage of computers
  • Library is not resourced
  • Security features not up to standard
  • Understaffed
  • Lack communications' devices
  • Insufficient programmes
  • No accredited programs
  • Inadequate infrastructure for different activities
  • No maintanance plan for infrastucture
  • Accessibility to the centre
  • Result orientated
  • Multiplicity beneficiaries
  • Private sectors' social responsibility 
  • Lack of proper and effective security
  • Vandalism during protests
  • Theft
  • Sustainability is questionable


The Mogwase EDSC has rendered numerous services around Mogwase and neighbouring communities.   They are as follows:

  • Computer Classes for the community
  • Computer classes for educators and principals
  • Workshop for Moses Kotane East Administrative Assistants
  • Provision of workshop venue for different departments
  • Microsoft Office Word Specialist course


Moses Kotane East Area Office Manager
Mr DM Kekae

On behalf of Moses Kotane East Area Office, let me take this opportunity to open doors to this new Blog developed by Mogwase EDSC. The significance of what this Blog represents extends far beyond its aims and objectives and across the province. The Area Office is grateful to present this Blog in the sense that it serves as a hub of information, and brings help this department and community so disparately need.
Let me also take time to applaud Mogwase EDSC for this noble project. It is inspiring to see that the work of improving life in education and communities is in very capable hands. I am convinced that the impact that this blog will have on the lives of the educators’ learners as well as community members will be tremendous.
I now have the honour to declare this Blog officially open.


EDSC Manager
Ms CM Chukudu

I am delighted to welcome the readers to this first publication of our blog. Our aim is to ensure that the vision of a unified approach to the challenges and opportunities presented by the people during PRA is realized and that people receive maximum support and encouragement to enhance their lives and society as a whole. There is no doubt in my mind that we have significant potential to pull together and deliver in a much more effective way.
 To all my colleques in Mogwase EDSC, I say it is time to put the centre first in the interest of achieving our educational development goal. The centre being one of the arms of MKE area office is an important section in the department of education. As a people centered representative body, our centre should be seen to be working in accordance with the aspirations of the people despite their station in life. It must be a symbol of hope for them
I also wish to motivate our partners to continue supporting us in our effort to transform our centre for better education.
Mogwase EDSC is grateful to be able to provide some of its publications on-line. Hope you enjoy your reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please note that this is a new blog and new information will continue to be added.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


EDSC Manager
Tel: 014 5555 450
Tel: 014 5555 452
Cell : 072 203 5687

Old Mutual Wing
Room 09, Mogwase
P/Bag X1003
Mogwase ,0314
Tel: 014 555 6170/7   Fax: 014 555 6171
Tel: 014 555 6183


                  Mogwase EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT Centre

Mogwase EDSC is a section in the Area office of Moses Kotane East under the leadership of Area Manager MR DM Kekae.

The EDSC is responsible for the following services
  • Establish and ensure the effective functionality of the EDSC
  • Establish and maintain a database of all resource material
  • Establish and maintain a reprographic and ICT services to schools
  • Oversee and coordinate all activities and programmes at the EDSC
  • Promote the usage of the EDSC by schools and communities
  • Facilitate the distribution of resource materials to schools
  • To serve as nodes for the delivery of any socio-economic programmes in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and public/private partnership
Our Vision
To promote a life long learning and to give support to communities in improving life socio-economic
status and positive life-style

Our Mission
  • Commitment and active participation
  •  Promoting skills development
  •    Marketing the center by ensuring the development of quality leadership
  •  To create a platform for educational opportunities for the community
  •  Providing different learning styles
  •   Ensuring inclusivity
  •  Providing an internal monitoring device to ensure that we meet the demands
  •   Developing a sense of ownership and accountability
  • Supporting those who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS